När: 2024-09-24 17:30

Var: Agical AB, Västerlånggatan 79, 111 29 Stockholm, Sweden


This is a space where people with a passion for improving the ways they work and deliver value can come together and discuss.

Bring an issue you have in your professional life, a topic you want to discuss, or a methodology you want to understand better. Use the experience of others, share your own, or just talk something out.

Topics usually range from Agile, Lean, Scrum - to Teamwork, DevOps and Product managment.

There will be drinks: beer, wine, alcohol-free beer & soda. There will be snacks: Some Smörrebröd, incl. a lakto-ovo vegetarian option. Chips & general “tilltugg”.

Hope to see you there!

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